Founders - Fundadores

Astrid and Siam bring their work and experience  together giving life to Human Alchemy. Their service supports the awakening of people into the manifestation of their gifts and their personal power within the heart.

Astrid Brinck is a spiritual teacher, integrative therapist, breathwork coach and trainer (Rebirthing Breathwork International), nutrition master, music therapist, author, musician, composer, founder of the Wise Wild Woman Retreats and co-founder of Human Alchemy.

Siam Carlos Aguirre is a psycho-spiritual guide, family constellation coach and trainer, (Hellinger Science), guide in the dream dimension, music therapist, musician, composer and co-founder of Human Alchemy.

Siam y Astrid unen su experiencia y trabajo para darle vida a Alquimia Humana. Su servicio apoya el despertar de las personas hacia la manifestación de sus dones y poder personal dentro del corazón

Astrid Brinck es terapeuta integral, facilitadora profesional y trainer de Rebirthing (Rebirthing Breathwork International), master en nutrición natural, musicoterapeuta, compositora, fundadora de Wise Wild Woman y co-fundadora de la Escuela Alquimia Humana.

Siam Carlos Aguirre es facilitador Psico-espiritual, Instructor y facilitador en Constelaciones Familiares (Hellinger Ciencia), Músicoterapeuta, Compositor, Facilitador en la dimensión de los Sueños y co-fundador de la Escuela Alquimia Humana.

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